ayu.arman6@gmail.com | |
Phone | +628-139678640 |
Web | https://ourislands.id |
https://nalapublishing.com | |
@ayu.arman |
Writer and researcher with 10 years of experience. Writing books in the genre of political biography, tourism, cultural, gender, Islam, and indigenous knowledge. There has been considerable of collaboration with local governments, especially the Provinces of Papua and West Papua in promoting and comparing local and regional figures.
Head of science and culture of the Muhammadiyah Student Association, Ciputat Branch, Jakarta.
Founder of Women’s Advocacy Network FAJAR Muhammadiyah Student Association
Member of Muhammadiyah-Jakarta Indonesia Young Intellectual Network
Editorial staff of the journal Multicultural Srintil Desantara, Jakarta
Paras Magazine Managing Editor. Indonesian-Malaysian Muslim women’s lifestyle magazine.
Fiori Magazine Feature Editor. Indonesian Women’s lifestyle magazine.
2009- present.
Independent Writer.
Host Chanel MAARIF Institute
Branding of Sansapor Pacific Park Resort-Tambrauw South West Papua-Indonesia
Researcher & Advocacy STF (Social Trust Fund) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah-Jakarta
As an Author
- When Women Are Tested: 18 Stories about the Strength of Women Beyond Trials / Kala Perempuan Diuji: 18 Kisah tentang Kekuatan Para Perempuan Melampaui Cobaan (Suluk, 2008). This book is a reflection of journey and encounters with some of the victims of Domestic Violence (KDRT) that they met. The stories told by women in this book are real, which she then ties into a story, which perhaps can be a strength for women in wading through life.
- Escorting Raja Ampat to the World Stage, Biography of Drs. Marcus Vanma / Mengantar Raja Ampat ke Pentas Dunia, Biografi Drs. Marcus Wanma (Nala Publishing, 2009)
- The Man is Hugua, Acting Locally with Global Effects / Lelaki itu Hugua, Bertindak Lokal Berefek Global (Nala Publishing, 2010)
- My name is Namto, Think, Act, and Do / Namaku Namto, Berpikir, Bertindak, dan Berbuat (Nala Publishing, 2012)
- Raja Ampat: History and Culture (Nala Publishing, 2012)
- Towards Murung Golden Highway 2030: A Thought and Action / Menuju Murung Raya Emas 2030: Sebuah Pikiran dan Tindakan (Nala Publishing, 2013)
- Liberating Murung Raya for Indonesia: A Biography of Dr. Ir. Willy M. Joseph / Memerdekakan Murung Raya untuk Indonesia: Sebuah Biografi Dr. Ir. Willy M. Yoseph (Nala Publishing, 2013)
- Steps of Marinda’s Leadership in Building Raja Ampat 2002-2015 / Derap Langkah Kepemimpinan Marinda Dalam Membangun Raja Ampat 2002-2015 (Nala Publishing, 2014)
- From Deep Inside dr. Moch. Affandi, Sp. KK (K) Initiator of the Aesthetic Clinic/ From Deep Inside dr. Moch. Affandi, Sp. KK (K)Penggagas Klinik Estetika-1948-2005 (Nala Publishing, 2015)
- Kemala Motik, A Biography (Nala Publishing 2015);
- Festival Teluk Jailolo, Celebrating the People, Culture, and Nature of West Halmahera;
- Leading North Mamuju with SMART, A Biography of Ir. Agus Ambo Djiwa / Memimpin Mamuju Utara dengan SMART, Sebuah Biografi Ir. Agus Ambo Djiwa (Nala Publishing 2016);
- 10 Years of Wakatobi, TOP 10 Indonesian Tourism: A Track Record of Ir. Hugua in Wakatobi / 10 Tahun Wakatobi, 10 TOP Pariwisata Indonesia: Sebuah Rekam Jejak Kepemimpinan Ir. Hugua di Wakatobi (Nala Publishing 2017);
- MISOOL, The Kingdom of the Sea. The Paradise of Raja Ampat (Nala Publishing, 2017);
- The Pathway to Peace Towards Prosperity, Willem Wandik’s Struggle to Build the Peak of Papua / Jalan Damai Menuju Sejahtera, Perjuangan Willem Wandik Membangun Puncak Papua (Nala Publishing, 2018);
- The Spermonde Islands of Pangkajene Archipelago. The Islands of A thousand Wisdom (Nala Publishing, 2018);
- Pasangkayu, Since History and Formation of the District Action / Pasangkayu, Sejak Sejarah dan Aksi Pembentukan Kabupaten (Nala Publishing, 2018);
- Syamsuddin A Hamid, Children from Pangkajene Archipelago Villages that Build the Nation / Syamsuddin A Hamid, Anak Desa Pangkajene dan Kepulauan Membangun Negeri (Nala Publishing 2018) ;
- Abdul Gafur, Emerald of the Equator / Abdul Gafur, Zamrud Khatulistiwa (Sinar Harapan, 2018)
- Raja Ampat; Myth, Legend and Heroism / Raja Ampat; Mitos, Legenda dan Kepahlawanan (Nala Publishing 2019)
- The Story of Life and Devotion of Costan Oktemka: Raising the Flag of Change in the Star Mountains / Kisah Hidup dan Pengabdian Costan Oktemka: Pengibar Bendera Perubahaan Pegunungan Bintang (Nala Publishing 2019)
- Country Knight Flower; Krisnawati Fighting Arena / Kembang Ksatria Negera; Gelanggang Juang Krisnawati (Nala Publishing, 2019)
- Servant Leader; A Journey Towards the Light of Faith. A Biography of Dr. Johny Kamuru, Regent of Sorong Regency, West Papua, 2017-2021 / Pemimpin Yang Melayani; Sebuah Perjalanan Menuju Terang Iman. Biografi Dr. Johny Kamuru, Bupati Kabupaten Sorong Papua Barat, 2017-2021 (Nala Publishing 2020)
- Conservation Leader from West Papua, One Caravan That Builds and Caring for Tambrauw Land-West Papua, 2012-2022 / Pemimpin Konservasi dari Papua Barat, Satu Karavan Membangun dan Merawat Bumi Tambrauw-Papua Barat, 2012-2022. Sebuah biografi Gabriel Asem, S.E., M. Si (Nala Publishing, 2021)
- Leaders Who Break Boundaries. A Decade of Building the Yapen Islands in Papua, 2012-2022. Tony Tesar’s biography / Pemimpin Yang Menembus Batas. Satu Dekade Membangun Kepulauan Yapen Papua, 2012-2022. Biografi Tonny Tesar. (Nala Publishing, 2022)
- KAIMANA: The Heritage of Marine Biodiversty in West Papua, Indonesia (Nala Publishing, 2024).
- Mayor Jenderal TNI Mohamad Hasan, Menghalau Badai Di Jantung Negeri. Menjaga Keamanan Jakarta Di Tahun Kegentingan Pilpres 2024 (Nala Publishing, 2024)
As a Book Editor
- Ultimate Beauty: Becoming a Stunning Personality with aesthetic surgery-Enrina Diah. Ultimo Media Enterprise, 2009 / Ultimate Beauty: Menjadi Pribadi Menakjubkan dengan aesthetic surgery-Enrina Diah. Ultimo Media Enterprise, 2009.
- Heavenism. Foundations of the New World Order – Hugua, Nala Publishing Publishers, 2011 / Surgaisme. Landasan Tata Dunia Baru – Hugua, Penerbit Nala Publishing, 2011.
- Perfect Beauty Anti Aging-dr. Deby Vinski, AAMS, 2014.
- The Power of Man, Everything a Man Needs to Know. 2017.
- Gentle Hypnobirthing A Gentle Way To Give Birth, Pustaka Bunda 2011
Articles published in National Media
- Gender jihad, Kompas Daily Letter / Jihad Gender, Surat Harian Kompas, 2003
- Women’s Khatib, Kompas Daily Letter, 2004 / Khatib Perempuan, Surat Harian Kompas, 2004
- Hijab; Between Chastity and Resistance, Islamliberal.com, 2003 / Jilbab; Antara Kesucian dan resistensi, Islamliberal.com, 2003.
- Being a Muslim in Contempary Indonesia, Jurnal Atlantic Press 2017.
Presentation and Conferences attended.
- Speaker, Being a Muslim in Contempary Indonesia, in Festival Adelaide-Australia, 2015.
- Speaker, Tambrauw-South West Papua; Home of Biodiversity and Culture Heritage of Malanesia in Indonesia, in The Green House Project. An online Writer space that connects nature writers from the selected UNESCO Literature City, 2023.